Oral History

Oral History Program: "Tecate through the
voices of its residents"
The objective of this project is to gather oral histories, in order to document the testimonies of Tecate’s long-time residents as a means of preserving our local history as narrated by its inhabitants.
These testimonies are kept in the archives of the Cuchuma Library for use by researchers, relatives and others interested in local history. The work involved in gathering this material is of great importance to our community, since in this way we have a record of historical happenings, in some cases told by witnesses or players in our regional history.
This project is being carried out in both urban and rural areas. The latter areas includes the neighboring ranches, with an emphasis on the Kumiai elders who still live in many parts of our region; in this way we hope to help preserve the culture.
The beneficiaries of this are primarily the residents of Tecate, but also those of the state of Baja California, since it will help document the voices of those who have inhabited the region.

In Mexico
Tláloc Street # 400 Cuauhtémoc neighborhood. CP 21480, Tecate BC
PO Box 280 Tecate CA. 91980
Hours and Telephones:
Offices from Monday to Friday
from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Tel.- 011 52 665 521 3970
Museum from Wednesday to Sunday
from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Tel.- 011 52 665 521 3191